"I don't even go to the classroom, but I really want to play the guitar ..."
Have you ever thought that way?
Take a little courage and get started!
And if anyone wants you to tell me a little bit about the guitar, let me help!
As of April 2021, we are accepting individual lessons at three locations in Gifu prefecture .
We are also preparing for online lessons. If you are far away, please wait for a while.
Different people will need different points of help (lessons).
For example ...
I want to play it, but I don't know right or left
I can play chords, but I don't know how to play solo
I don't know how to read the score
I don't know how to replace the strings
I don't know how to play "this part" of the song I play at the school festival
And so on.
The fact that the points are different means that "how much lesson is needed" is naturally different for each person.
(Except for the music class "Utanomi Music School") You will be charged for each lesson , not a monthly fee, so we hope that you will absorb as much as you need.
Also, you are free to take the course once and then again in a few months.
I hope my experience will help you and keep playing the guitar together happily.

Website started!
We have decided to set up a website to let you know me in a nutshell!
You can access all the information on various SNS, web shops, YouTube channels that I have an account on from this site!
Also, if you are considering a lesson, support, or request for sound source production, you should be able to convey the general atmosphere by browsing the site.
We will also inform you of the latest breaking topics on the "News" page here!
We will constantly edit the content to make it easier to understand, so please add it to your bookmarks! !!
Website started!
We have decided to set up a website to let you know me in a nutshell!
You can access all the information on various SNS, web shops, YouTube channels that I have an account on from this site!
Also, if you are considering a lesson, support, or request for sound source production, you should be able to convey the general atmosphere by browsing the site.
We will also inform you of the latest breaking topics on the "News" page here!
We will constantly edit the content to make it easier to understand, so please add it to your bookmarks! !!

"Start Line 2020 THE MOVIE" is now on sale!
The live solo live "Start Line 2020" was held on November 29, 2020.
In addition to the performance scenes, we have released a live video "Start Line 2020 THE MOVIE" that includes plenty of documentary footage of the event!
It is on sale at Shitaro -yukitaro- Web Shop!